A Partner to Trust with Your IT Infrastructure
Your business’s Information Technology needs are too important to be left to amateurs. You need a partner who understands your IT needs and can customize a solution to meet those needs. With a managed IT services plan, VGM Forbin will take a proactive approach to managing your company’s needs instead of waiting for a problem to arise.
Why Managed IT Services Matter
of revenue for small businesses goes toward IT expenses
of IT services are handled via a managed services plan, rather than a break-fix model
of small businesses lack in-house skills to address security issues
VGM Forbin’s Approachto Managed IT Services
Being proactive is the most important element to any managed IT plan. With our plan, we don’t wait for something to break and disrupt your operation before we address it. Our program is focused on addressing your business’s unique IT needs. We’ll build a program to match your IT needs, no matter the size of your business. Elements of these plans can include:

- Free Needs Assessment
- Network Runbook Documentation
- Barracuda Email Security and Encryption
- Unlimited Remote Support
- Unlimited Onsite Support
- Password Management
- Mobile Device Management
- Backup Disaster Recovery Services
- Hardware and Software Delivery and Set Up
- 24/7 Remote Support and Computer Monitoring
- 24/7 Remote Server Monitoring
- Microsoft & Third-party Patching
- Enterprise Anti-Virus
- Proactive/Scheduled Reboots
- Backup Monitoring
- Remote Desktop Access for Approved Users
- Monthly Network Health Reports
- Domain Name Resolution Services, DNSCurve Secure Protocols & Content Filtering
- Network Password Management
How Managed IT ServicesHelp Your Business
VGM Forbin’s Managed IT Services ensure you always have a partner who is taking the time to look out for your business. Instead of delegating your IT services to a member of your staff, we can audit your IT needs and create a program that allows your staff to focus on serving your customers. This means your staff is more focused on your business while your business is more secure than it ever was before.
Schedule a free IT consultation today!
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