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Request Access to Your Personal Data

Any individual wishing to exercise her/his GDPR right of access (Article 15), rectification (Article 16), erasure (“right to be forgotten”) (Article 17), processing restriction (Article 18), portability (Article 20), and objection (Article 21), for his/her Personal Data may do so directly to VGM Forbin. A data processor may also make such a request on behalf of a data subject. This request may be made via email or other method of communication, such as telephone.

  • To request Personal Data via email, the individual ("Requestor") should send an email to [email protected] containing the Requestor's full name; any pseudonyms, usernames, or alternative names (e.g., maiden name); telephone number; email address; and basis for understanding that VGM Forbin has custody or control of personal data (e.g. customer, employee, etc.). The email should also include a detailed description of the Personal Data the Requestor is requesting so that VGM Forbin may ensure it provides the correct data to the Requestor. If requesting analytics data, this includes providing the Requestor's personal IP address. The Requestor may send requests through other methods of communication. However, she/he may experience a delay in response if the request is not sent to the correct email address. VGM Forbin cannot be held responsible for this delay.
  • VGM Forbin shall respond to all properly submitted requests within 1 month of receipt of the request.
  • VGM Forbin shall document all requests submitted pursuant to this Policy, the titles of persons or offices responsible for receiving and processing requests, and information regarding what searches for Personal Data were conducted.