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[Product Launch] SEO Financial Calculators for Better UX and Web Traffic

[Product Launch] SEO Financial Calculators for Better UX and Web Traffic

Financial calculators are an essential part of any financial institution’s website and it’s time to utilize them to bring in more business. VGM Forbin is excited to announce that we’ve partnered with Signal Intent to provide branded, modern and easy-to-use calculators. The best part? We have an exclusive agreement with Signal Intent to make the calculators even more affordable. Keep reading to learn about the benefits of updating your calculators!

Get More Website Traffic

Over 2 million people search for financial calculators every single day.

That’s right. Organic searches for calculators increase every year. Our new calculators are designed to increase search engine optimization (SEO) and take advantage of the organic search volume that already exists with:

  • SEO-friendly JavaScript (no clunky iFrames)
  • Custom copy for keyword targeting
  • Best-in-class performance and page load times

Get People to Apply Online

Calculator visitors show 7x more purchase intent than your average site visitor.

With the extra traffic that new, SEO-focused calculators can bring in, you need to be able to take advantage of the opportunity! After years of tracking audience behavior on digital platforms, we know that individuals are more likely to take action when the action is easy. If you want users to apply for a loan, make it as easy as possible by providing a button with a clear call-to-action (CTA) on the same screen where they’re gathering information about that loan. And with every new CTA that you use, you need a way to measure its success. These new calculators have all of that and more with:

  • Customizable targeted call-to-action buttons
  • Test and measure what copy converts
  • Actionable data to measure your programs ROI

Get a Better Look

90% of your visitors abandon because tools are confusing and difficult to use.

Did we mention the new calculators also have a fresh and modern design? If you’re maintaining your web presence and bringing in new traffic, you want new users to have an exceptional experience when they land on your site. A great experience with calculators means they are:

  • Easy to understand and use
  • Give consumers the exact information they’re looking for

After having a great experience and gathering helpful financial information from the calculators, website users are more likely to explore other areas of your website. For example, when your calculators are easy to use, individuals are more likely to take that next step and apply for a loan online with your financial institution with the help of the buttons we mentioned above!

How it Works

  • Choose the number of calculators you want on your site
  • Decide which calculators to use
  • If you change your mind, just swap out calculators at any time

See it for Yourself

Don't take our word for it, see it for yourself! Fill out the form below to get a demo of our new Signal Intent calculators. You can see how your customers would use the calculators and how easy it is to take the next step of applying online.

Financial calculators are an essential part of any financial institution’s website and it’s time to utilize them to bring in more business. VGM Forbin is excited to announce that we’ve partnered with Signal Intent to provide branded, modern...
