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Innovative Solutions to Solving Problems: Josh Tanberg

Innovative Solutions to Solving Problems: Josh Tanberg

VGM Forbin is excited to announce that Josh Tanberg is the VGM Forbin Employee Spotlight for August 2022! As the senior programmer, Josh is an integral part of the VGM Forbin team, which is why he has secured the latest title!

Thank you for what you do every day!

We interviewed our winner and this is what he had to say:

  1. How long have you been working at VGM Forbin?
    I’ve been at VGM Forbin for 7.5 years now.
  2. What is your role at VGM Forbin?
    My role is a senior programmer.
  3. What's your favorite thing about your job?
    Being able to work remotely with such talented people (spending more time with my family is always a good thing).
  4. An interesting fact you may not know about me:
    I served 3 tours with the 187th Infantry (101st Airborne division).
  5. Most importantly, if you were stranded on an island, what is one thing you would make sure to have on you?
    Joke answer: A satellite phone to call for help.
    Answer: A guitar.
  6. Lastly, if you could have one superpower, what would it be?
    Wow, that is a good question. Difficult, though; what does one gauge his response on? Physical prowess? Keen deductive skills? The ability to banter well with super villains? (This is a quote from Mallrats if you didn’t realize). I would have to say that I would probably choose super intelligence so that I could figure out a cure for cancer and time travel.

Here’s what a couple of colleagues had to say about Josh:

Here is why Courtney thinks Josh should be the spotlight: “Josh Tanberg is incredibly helpful to non-programmer folk like me. He can hit the ground running no matter what he gets thrown into. I wouldn't hesitate to work with him on any project. VGM Forbin is extremely fortunate to have him.”

Jess Veren agrees: “Josh continues to go above and beyond on all projects he works on! He is committed to the project and tries his best to get as much done within the timeline constraints and expectations set by his process lead and our stakeholders. Keep up the great work Josh!”

Congratulations, Josh!

Congrats to Josh and a sincere thank you for creating raving VGM Forbin fans, among customers and coworkers alike!

Keep following our VGM Forbin blog to find out who earns the next VGM Forbin Spotlight for September.

VGM Forbin is excited to announce that Josh Tanberg is the VGM Forbin Employee Spotlight for August 2022! As the senior programmer, Josh is an integral part of the VGM Forbin team, which is why he has secured the latest title! Thank you...
