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Above and Beyond: Ana Dobrilovic

Above and Beyond: Ana Dobrilovic

In case you missed it last month, at VGM Forbin, we rolled out a special recognition for employees called Forbin Employee Spotlight. Every month, our employees will have the opportunity to nominate who they think went above and beyond that month. The last two months have had very deserving recipients. 

Our President, Lindy Tentinger, was very honored and excited to announce Ana Dobrilovic as the VGM Forbin Employee Spotlight for the month of June 2021! Ana is a truly dependable team member and is always going above and beyond for Forbin. We cannot thank her enough!  

We interviewed Ana and this is what she had to say: 

  1. How long have you been working at Forbin?
    I have been working at VGM Forbin since August 2018!

  1. What is your role at Forbin?
    I do a bit of everything! My primary role is being a web marketer and copywriter for the healthcare industry. I also do social media, SEO, SEM and catalog inventory services. If there is something that needs to be written, I’m your girl! 

  1. What is your favorite thing about your job?
    Helping people and being able to write. I enjoy figuring things out, whether it’s words or designs. Creating something that will meet the client’s needs and be as close to perfection/what they want is very rewarding!

  1. If you could share one thing with a current client about Forbin, what would it be?
    We have a wonderful team, it’s my favorite thing about working here! Our team is comprised of experienced professionals that truly care about delivering something beneficial and useful (and stylish!) to our clients and we work hard together in order to achieve that. The camaraderie makes it a fun and welcoming atmosphere to work in, and in turn, allows us to offer our customers a good experience. 

  1. An interesting fact you may not know about me: 
    I am bilingual and only started learning English at the age of 6. I ended up graduating with a degree in English and a degree in TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages). Ironic! It’s my love of language that has led me to a job in marketing—where I’m available to write for a variety of digital mediums. 

  1. Most importantly, what is one thing that you would cross off from your bucket list (if you have one)?
    There are so many things I'd love to cross off! Taking a long vacation to all of my favorite places in Europe, writing a book someday, and having a home library (is it obvious yet that I like to read?). 

  1. Last, but not least: sweet or salty? 
    This is a tough one. I love both. For sweet, I prefer desserts (baklava!) to candy, but I tend to gravitate toward savory snacks (anything spicy enough to burn my taste buds off works).

Here’s Why a Couple of Colleagues From VGM Forbin Think Ana Is Amazing: 

Here’s why Kelly Herbert, Senior Social Media Strategist, thinks Ana should be in our spotlight: “She goes above and beyond in every task. She takes the time to not only complete her tasks, but find ways to make them more efficient. She establishes processes where there aren't any and always looks for ways to help. She's a great asset to our team!”  

Courtney Ott, UX Designer, also said this about Ana, “Forbin is a better company because Ana is here.”  

Wow, our team members had great things to say about Ana and her work efforts. 

Thank you, again, Ana! 

A big congrats to Ana and a sincere thank you to her for always going the extra mile and providing the best experience possible for our customers every single day. We appreciate you.

In case you missed it last month, at VGM Forbin, we rolled out a special recognition for employees called Forbin Employee Spotlight. Every month, our employees will have the opportunity to nominate who they think went above and...
