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Cashing in with Great eCommerce Content

The COVID-19 Pandemic has created the highest demand for eCommerce websites the world has ever seen. Major players like Amazon are even experiencing longer lead times and deliveries as a result of higher demand among consumers who are placing a premium on the safety and convenience of having products delivered directly to their homes.  

If you have an eCommerce website, you’re probably thinking to yourself “But I’m not Amazon. I’m one of the thousands of other eCommerce sites trying to pick up the scraps they leave behind.” Guess what? That’s fine. You won’t succeed trying to beat Amazon at their own game. You need to succeed with a smart strategy, tailored for your business, that will drive conversions and purchases. All of that starts with a product page that stands out from the rest. 

Write Unique Product Descriptions 

Let’s be honest - HME suppliers all around the country provide products from the same manufacturers, like Nova and Pride Mobility. So, you need to make sure that your product description is different than every other supplier’s description of the same product. Not enough HMEs take the time to do this. Instead, most choose to use the same product description that the manufacturer provides on their website. By taking the extra time to write a unique product description, you’re giving yourself a leg up over a vast majority of your competitors right away. 

Include Specifications with Any Products 

Specifications are key to helping buyers make decisions about a product. Anything from weight capacity, volume for storage, and the materials of the product can be used by a potential customer as they make a buying decision. Here’s the bottom line: Giving buyers more information about a product is never a bad strategy. 

Make Sure Key Product Features Stand Out 

Product descriptions are important, but it’s also important to make sure you allow buyers to see the features that will make them want to purchase that product from you. Highlight key attributes of the product that will make it an attractive purchase option. It’s best to lay these key features out in bullet format so they stand out from the rest of the content on your product pages.  

Provide the Ability to Bundle Similar Products 

Let’s say you have the ability to sell CPAP equipment on your website. Make sure your site’s functionality gives you the ability to bundle products together for more convenient purchasing. Whether it’s being able to bundle tubing with a CPAP machine, or see associated products like masks and filters while on a product page, the easier you make it for users to add similar products to their cart, the more revenue you can generate per order.  

Incorporate a User-Friendly Design 

There’s nothing more frustrating for a buyer than to find a product you’re looking for and encountering a site that makes it difficult to complete the purchase. Creating a design for your site focused on user experience is one of the most underrated aspects of successful eCommerce websites. On product pages, make sure the product price (including any discounts) and the “Add to Cart” button are easy to see so users can immediately add the product to their cart when they’re ready to purchase. 

You’re in a unique position that allows you to make adjustments to your product content strategy that has the potential to make a huge impact on your eCommerce business moving forward. If you have questions about how to improve your eCommerce site, please fill out the form below.

The COVID-19 Pandemic has created the highest demand for eCommerce websites the world has ever seen. Major players like Amazon are even experiencing longer lead times and deliveries as a result of higher demand among consumers who are...
