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HME Landing Pages for Lead Generation

HME Landing Pages for Lead Generation

If you're starting to develop your business's digital marketing strategy, there are are a lot of learning curves to overcome. Don't worry, VGM Forbin is here to help guide you toward a winning strategy! Today we're going over how to develop HME landing pages for lead generation. Online landing pages are simply where an individual “lands” after clicking on a link that’s provided to them. This can be a page that’s on your website or a stand-alone page that isn’t linked anywhere on your site.

stand alone landing page

Here’s an example of one of VGM Forbin’s stand-alone landing pages and here’s that exact same landing page after we added it to our website.

image of page on Forbin website

You’re most likely going to attract leads through social media, Google Ads and email marketing. From there, you will send them to a landing page where they can fill out a form or call you to make a purchase. Yep— that's pretty much all of your digital marketing efforts, which is why it’s so important to create a great landing page experience for potential customers. While there’s no perfect formula for every business, we’ve had enough experience to know what works. We’ve broken up our advice into two main sections: writing to generate leads and designing to generate leads.

Writing to Generate Leads

A general rule of thumb when writing content for a landing page is to make sure all information is helpful. Adding extra words or flowery language to increase the length of the page is unnecessary, because this approach often only contributes to misunderstanding or disinterest- definitely not the goal! When you’re trying to decide what information is helpful, ask yourself these questions:

What hurdles are keeping someone from making a purchase?

Asking yourself this question will help you go beyond just listing out the product name and its benefits. Is there anything that would prevent a potential customer from buying your product? If that’s the case, think of ways you can help them overcome this hurdle. Examples of hurdles for HME and DME providers might include:

  • Concerns about insurance coverage
  • How well the product works
  • Manufacturer or seller reputation
  • How helpful your company will be in the purchasing process

What is the next step I want someone to take from this landing page?

The next step you want an individual to take will be your call to action (CTA). Common CTAs include:

  • Filling out a contact form
  • Calling your business
  • Downloading a piece of marketing content
  • Purchasing a product

Make sure the content clearly states what the CTA is throughout the page and try not to offer too many options. If you have multiple CTAs on the same page, such as purchasing a product and downloading a PDF, the purpose of the landing page gets confusing. State your CTA clearly at the top of the page before any scrolling happens and then stick to it!

One thing we’ve noticed when creating landing pages for HME providers is that they often have difficulty connecting with individuals who fill out a form online. Instead, our clients have had better luck in asking their audience to give them a call, which allows them to help their customers navigate the purchasing experience over the phone. If you’re unsure what type of communication your customer base prefers, you can always do an A/B test to see how they respond! Need help building a landing page for A/B testing?

Get in touch with us and we’ll help you out!

Designing to Generate Leads

Your content and design strategies should work together to accomplish a common goal. This is why we typically recommend simple designs that complement the words on the page rather than distract from the page’s purpose. Here are a few ways your design can enhance the content.

Use a Layout and Images that Promote the CTA

Similar to the content strategy of a landing page, the design strategy should also have a heavy emphasis on the CTA. Make sure the CTA stands out on the page with its position, font color and font size. It’s doesn’t need to be big, bold and red every time, but the design should lead your eyes to the CTA. For example, the landing page we mentioned above leads your eye to the buttons in each section. One button will always take you to the contact form at the button and the other leads you to the next section. This ensures the “request a quote” CTA is consistent throughout the page.

Images on the page should also help tell the story of what you’re trying to say. If you’re selling a product, showcase the product being used! For example, if the primary benefit of a CPAP machine is how easy it is to clean, then an image or video of someone cleaning the product is a great addition to the page.

Stick to Your Brand Guidelines

You can also see on that landing page that the colors, images and font follow the VGM Forbin brand guidelines, which we recommend you do as well! Landing pages need to seamlessly fit with your online experience, whether they’re standalone pages or pages on your website. A consistent, professional experience promotes trust to help the audience continue to the next step of the process.

Give Your Audience the Option to Explore

We’re not saying this is the best option every time. But, while we’re giving away some industry secrets, we recommend building a landing page on your website instead of a standalone page on a subdomain or vanity URL. Landing pages that include navigation at the top tend to perform better for our HME and DME clients. We’ve learned that the audience likes having the ability to explore once they’ve visited the landing page. Our key insight from this is that the audience probably won’t make a purchase the first time they interact with you online. This is nothing to get discouraged about. They just want to check you out and build trust first like any human building a relationship. If the audience doesn’t want to commit the first time they interact with you, that’s okay! Setting up retargeting ads will help pull them back in until they choose to make a purchase. If you’re interested in running ads or retargeting ads for your landing page, we have you covered.

Just fill out the form below and we’ll chat.

Key Takeaways

  • Write concise, straightforward content
  • Develop a clear call to action and keep it consistent throughout the page
  • Design to enhance the message, not to overshadow it
If you're starting to develop your business's digital marketing strategy, there are are a lot of learning curves to overcome. Don't worry, VGM Forbin is here to help guide you toward a winning strategy! Today we're going over how to develop...
