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Archive: March 2021

How to Spot Scams in Website Form Submissions
How to Spot Scams in Website Form Submissions

We’ve all received our fair share of scams online. Whether it’s a faraway prince emailing to ask for money, or a cybercriminal pretending to work at your bank, scams always seem to find their way into our inboxes. Scams are nothing to be afraid of, but they should nevertheless be taken seriously. So, how can you be sure if a form submission...

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Website Compliance for HMEs
Website Compliance for HMEs

California passed the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) in 2018 and made modifications to the Unruh Civil Rights Act in 2015. Both the CCPA and the Unruh Civil Rights Act govern websites for businesses in California and businesses with branch locations in California. These standards give more control to consumers about what personal information...

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Compliance, web accessibility, website compliance

How Digital Marketing Can Help Your Local Bank Branch
How Digital Marketing can Help Your Local Bank Branch

‘Cause we are living in a digital world, and I am a digital girl... is what I sing to myself as I work on digital marketing strategy. And it’s true! The world made a huge shift to digital with the whirlwind of the internet and even more so in the early 2000s with social media. Then we had the storm that was 2020, which forced any lingering...

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