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Category: Healthcare Websites

Time for an upgrade?
Outdated Website Design? Signs It's Time For An Update

An outdated website won't inspire trust, encourage people to buy your products, or sign up for your email list. In today’s fast-paced online world, if your site isn’t up to speed, you're losing potential customers.

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The Ultimate HME Digital Toolkit
The Ultimate HME Digital Toolkit

Introducing “The Ultimate HME Digital Toolkit” your strategic asset for propelling your home medical equipment business into an era of digital excellence and securing a competitive edge. For over two decades, VGM Forbin has been navigating the

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does your website measure up
10 Trends Driving Web Success in 2023 - Does Your Website Measure Up?

Websites remain essential for a business’s sales and marketing strategy, acting as a central hub for both traditional and digital activities. To optimize valuable online real estate, it’s important to create intriguing, scannable messaging that stands out to visitors who are unlikely to read all information about your business and products.  With...

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website trends

picture of computer and laptop highlighting marketing strategy
Case Study - Using Online Marketing to Grow Your HME Business

Jumping into the world of online marketing with both feet can be a daunting task for any healthcare business, especially when it’s totally unfamiliar. At VGM Forbin, our goal is to help you understand the benefits of online marketing and how it can be an asset in growing your HME business to help you reach more customers and give them the...

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What Our HME Clients Had to Say About the New PowerWeb Evergreen Web Solution
What Our HME Clients Had to Say About the New PowerWeb Evergreen Web Solution

VGM Forbin has created a website solution exclusively for medical equipment stores known as PowerWeb™ Evergreen. This easy-to-use, industry-specific solution gives you a site in less time at a more affordable cost. Your Evergreen site automatically gets the latest feature and security updates as they’re developed. Your PowerWeb™...

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picture of a rocket launching
The NEW PowerWeb Evergreen: Designed to Grow with Your Business

Our favorite pastime is diligently cultivating website solutions that are mobile-friendly, easy-to-use, visually appealing, and most importantly: safe and secure for you and your customers. With that, we are excited to announce the launch of our new website platform specifically built for medical equipment websites. A Solution Built Exclusively for...

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PowerWeb Evergreen

spring cleaning
Spring Cleaning Checklist for Your Website

The first official day of spring is March 20, and now that it’s finally here, it should help serve as a reminder to freshen up your website. Your website is the place where your customers need to go – it’s your online home! Let’s make sure that “home” is clean and tidied up. Let VGM Forbin help keep your website...

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how to succeed with smart eCommerce Strategy
How You Can Succeed with a Smart eCommerce Website Strategy

If you don’t have an eCommerce website, now is the time to seriously consider your strategy and investment moving forward. If you already have an eCommerce store, you’re probably thinking to yourself “But I’m not Amazon. I’m one of the thousands of other eCommerce sites trying to pick up the scraps they leave behind.”...

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google analytics
Using Google Analytics to Enhance Your Website's Performance

Whether you’ve just launched a new website, or you already have a website and want to track more data to drive your marketing decisions, installing analytics on your website is an important step. Installing Google Analytics on your site opens the opportunity for you to track a wealth of knowledge about your site’s performance. But what are...

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google analytics

What Every HME Needs to Know About Communicating With Their Audiences
What Every HME Needs to Know About Communicating with Their Audiences

We asked our industry expert, Joshua Schneiderman, to share his expertise when it comes to marketing to HME audiences and how medical equipment differs from other verticals. Watch the video, here: What is the most important thing to remember for Medical Equipment businesses that might not apply to other industries? The dynamics between...

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HME business, medical equipment