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Targeted Content: Hitting the Mark to Generate Leads

Targeted Content: Hitting the Mark to Generate Leads

Crafting targeted content for your blog and website is like being a skilled archer. You need to know your target, aim accurately and release at the right time. Your audience is your target – and knowing their needs, preferences, and pain points will let you create content that resonates. 

Your blog isn't just an information outlet; it's also a lead magnet if used wisely. According to HubSpot, companies that blog get 55% more website visitors than those who don’t. That's because useful, relevant content attracts potential customers. 

So, how can you start to generate leads with targeted content? Keep scrolling for more insights! 

Finding the Bullseye: Your Audience’s Needs 

To start generating leads with your blog posts, first, understand what kind of content would be valuable for your audience. Use tools like Google Trends to find out what questions people are asking in relation to your industry or product. 

Remember: creating high-quality tailored content can take effort, but this hard work pays off when readers turn into leads. 

Feeling Lost? Seek Expert Guidance! 
If you're not sure how to find out what your audience needs, don't worry! An expert like VGM Forbin can be your trusted guide. Our team of content specialists can help you pinpoint your target audience's preferences and pain points, ensuring your content hits the bullseye every time. 

Taking Aim: Create Engaging Content 

Now comes the fun part – writing engaging pieces. Create how-to guides, case studies, or thought leadership articles that reflect current trends within the industry. But remember, not every post should feel promotional; try telling stories as well. 

Hitting the Bullseye: Add Clear Calls-To-Action (CTAs) 

  • A compelling CTA helps convert casual readers into interested prospects. 

  • Think about offering something of value in exchange for contact details such as a free consultation, an eBook download, or access to a webinar recording. 

  • Make sure CTAs stand out visually so they catch reader attention instantly. 

Bullseye Bonus: Leverage SEO Techniques 

While writing your content, don’t forget to incorporate SEO techniques. This includes keyword optimization and link building. These tactics can help you rank higher on search engines like Google, driving more traffic towards your blog posts. 

Sharpshooter Analysis & Improvement 

Always stay vigilant and assess which strategies are proving successful and which need to be reworked. 

By crafting more targeted content, you can generate leads for your business and attract new customers. Remember to ensure that your blog posts answer customer questions, engage them with interesting guides or stories, and include clear CTAs. Use SEO techniques for better visibility and always keep improving based on what works. 

Ready to hit the bullseye with your content strategy? Contact our experts to boost your lead generation efforts! 

 Craft Targeted Content  

 Consult an Expert 

Stay up-to-date with our newest blog series covering everything you need to know about blogs:

  1. 5 Reasons Why Your Business Needs a Blog (And How to Get Started) | VGM (
  2. Supercharge Your Online Presence: How to Increase Your Business Visibility (
  3. Serving Up Your Website: The Recipe You Need to Improve SEO Rankings
Crafting targeted content for your blog and website is like being a skilled archer. You need to know your target, aim accurately and release at the right time. Your audience is your target – and knowing their needs, preferences, and pain points will let...
